Q: What are Ear Cones?
A: Ear Cones are long hollow cones made of fabric and wax.
Q: What is the process that allows Ear Cones to work?
A: The base of an Ear Cone is gently inserted a fraction of an inch into the outer ear canal and then the tip of the Ear Cone is lit. The flame creates a vacuum which can gently and naturally pull the wax, moisture and other residues out of the ear and into the Ear Cone. Sometimes a facial massage is combined with the process to help clear the facial passages.
Q: Is the process painful?
A: No, not for most people. In fact, some people find the process to be so relaxing that they fall asleep during the coning.
Q: Why should I have my ears coned?
A: Ear Coning can be very useful any time wax or moisture in the ear is a problem.
Q: What kind of results can I expect?
A: Results vary with the individual. Most people have a much greater problem with wax and moisture in their ears than they realize. Wax and moisture can also affect the functioning of the inner ear, which is critical to our sense of balance.
Q: How can I tell if my ears need to be coned?
A: If you have experienced a gradual reduction in hearing sensitivity, this may be due in part to wax build-up. Itching in the ears and plugged ears are also symptoms that can often be relieved by ear coning.
Q: In what other ways can Ear Coning be beneficial?
A: Ear Coning has also been known to relieve symptoms associated with swimmer’s ear, allergies and sinus problems.
Q: Are there other signs that I need to have my ears coned?
A: Yes. Many people who experience discomfort in their ears when flying in an airplane or at a high altitude find that ear coning can help to relieve their symptoms. Scuba divers also find the process very useful.
Q: How often should I have my ears coned?
A: You need to use your own judgment as to what feels normal in your ear once it is cleared out, and how often your ears will benefit from being coned.
Q: Does Ear Coning cure any diseases?
A: No claims can be made that Ear Coning cures any specific diseases. It is recommended that you follow the advice of your doctor concerning any specific health challenges. Ear Coning is not a cure-all. It has been very useful in many cases, but not all ear problems are associated with the build up of moisture and wax in the ears.
Q: What is the residue that is found in the Ear Cone after the process is completed?
A: The residue found in the Ear Cone is a mixture of cone residue and ear residue. The percentage of each varies from individual to individual and cone to cone. Even the conditions of the room can affect how much residue is found in the cone, and drafts can cause the Ear Cone to excrete more wax.
Q: How many Ear Cones are used during the process?
A: Two Ear Cones are normally used in each ear. A third is sometimes used at the request of the client.
Q: How long does the process take?
A: Each Ear Cone burns for about ten to fifteen minutes. A session will typically last about an hour. The Ear Coning can be stopped at any time for any reason at the request of the client.
Q: What happens if wax drips into my ears?
A: Dripping wax may feel warm, but if it is beeswax, it should not be hot enough to do any damage. Many people soak inflamed areas of their bodies in melted beeswax. Just use another Ear Cone to pull it out.
Q: Sometimes people feel heat in their ears when they are having their ears coned. What does that mean?
A: Some people can tend to get a lot of water in their ears, through bathing or swimming. Ear Coning can cause that water to evaporate. That can cause you to feel some heat. Pulling the cone out of the ear and waiting a few moments for the steam to cool down usually takes care of the problem.